When should you replace your mascara?

Mascara is one of the most frequently used make-up products. In its popularity it outrivals even lipstick. An average woman uses about 250 bottles of mascara in her lifetime. It is one of those products we cannot (and do not want to) live without. ...Read More

Colourful dizziness – All sorts of eye pencils

Our grandmothers knew only four shades of eye pencils. Classic black, brown, blue and green. About their durability and skin care we could conduct long dispute. However, nowadays composition of eye pencils is much more careful, so it not only provides beautiful and durable ...Read More

Lipstick – long life in a short biography

The moment you finish reading this article, at least 10 women around the world will get themsleves a new lipstick. According to statistics, each of us eats more or less 6-8 pounds of lipstick in a lifetime. Over 90% of women carry a lipstick ...Read More

DIY Hair mask with chia

Hair masks became really popular lately. We buy them at drugstores and pharmacies or make them by ourselves at home. One of those home-made cosmetics is hair mask with chia. Sounds mysterious? See for yourself, what are effects of the treatment with this cosmetic. ...Read More